Save on car purchases with 5 tips. To save on a daily basis, compare insurance, monitor fuel prices, consider car sharing, and maximize the profitability of your car by carpooling, advertising on your car, or renting it to individuals.
A vehicle is expensive, that’s undeniable. However, whether upon purchase or during daily use, it is possible to save on the purchase of a car, or even earn money! Indeed, it is important to have a few tips in mind to buy an inexpensive car . For example, the conversion bonus, the ratio of used and new vehicles, leasing, etc. Here are 5 tips for saving money when purchasing a new vehicle. Also discover tips for getting the most out of your car every day.
Save money on buying a car
Buy a used vehicle
According to experts, the value of a car drops very quickly. It is therefore not interesting to buy a new car at full price. The depreciation of a car depends on different factors:
Therefore, purchasing a well-maintained used car with low mileage is often more attractive. On average, a recent used car has a price 20% lower than the purchase price new. It is therefore recommended to buy a vehicle that is three or four years old (less if possible) to get a bargain.
Bonuses and bonuses
For several years, the State has been trying to renew the French automobile fleet in order to make it less polluting. To do this, it sets up purchasing aid . These bonuses, which can save thousands of euros, are mainly aimed at electric or plug-in hybrid cars.
Among these bonuses, the State has created purchasing aid called the conversion bonus and the ecological bonus, which can be combined. The conversion bonus is a reward for scrapping certain vehicles and purchasing a new, less polluting vehicle. The ecological bonus is aid paid for the purchase of a new or used electric or plug-in hybrid vehicle.
So, scrapping your old vehicle and buying a less polluting car can save you a few thousand euros. To find out more about the conversion bonus and the ecological bonus, click here .
Another tip when buying a car is leasing. It offers some significant advantages. This involves signing a car rental contract and having the option, at the end of the contract, to buy the car cheaply . During the term of the contract, leasing takes into account certain costs, such as maintenance costs.
Buy your car online
Buying a car online on a specialized site can be advantageous. Some sites offer vehicles for sale at reduced prices compared to those displayed in a traditional garage. It is possible to have the car delivered to your home and resell your old model.
Buy a car from a car garage
Do you want to change your car? To save money on the purchase, it is advisable to go to a car garage which can take back the old vehicle and, based on the argus price, allow you to make savings on the purchase of a new vehicle. Do not hesitate to approach garages and push the negotiation to the maximum.
The first thing to do to save money with your car insurance is to compare the different offers and quotes. It is recommended to compare at least three quotes before choosing one. Furthermore, if you are a good driver and have not been the subject of any complaints, you will be able to benefit from a discount on your insurance contract.
In the event of an accident, it is advisable to call a mechanic approved by your insurance company. Repair prices will be cheaper and service faster.
Before signing your insurance contract, it is important to choose your guarantees according to your needs and the type of vehicle. Please note that it is risky to settle for simple civil liability coverage. Mandatory, it guarantees material and immaterial damage caused to the third party but not that caused to the insured.
Be careful, you must make a fair estimate of your car, because the price of car insurance varies, among other things, depending on the estimate of the value of the vehicle. Therefore, the more expensive the vehicle, the higher the insurance contract will be. This is why it is recommended to make a lower estimate.
Fuel is one of the biggest car expenses. In order to save money, it is advisable to go to fuel price comparison sites. You will be able to find the service station offering the most advantageous fuel.