Would you like to save money on the purchase of your next car? Indeed, to be able to buy a vehicle, you must have a substantial budget because it is a significant expense item, as can be housing and food.

But there are tips and in this article we will give you several tips to save money when purchasing your next car. You could therefore have more money for another expense item. So, continue reading this article to find out more!

The second-hand market

It is well known that the price of a car drops considerably once it leaves the dealership. Buying a new car is therefore not very interesting if you want to save money.

It is better to turn to recent used cars , which are easy to find with a price reduced by around 20%. If you are looking for a used Audi for sale , for example , you will find what you are looking for on sites like L e Bon coin , or Facebook Marketplace.

Selling a car at auction allows you to save 20 to 50%  on average. You will find rental cars, repossessions or fleet sales at auction. Auctions are organized in France almost everywhere, but also online. A good plan to remember!

Bonuses and bonuses

The state would like to renew the French automobile fleet to make it less polluting. To do this, purchasing assistance has been put in place, in the form of premiums or bonuses.

You must have certainly heard about the conversion bonus or the ecological bonus.

So don’t hesitate to scrap your old vehicle to buy a less polluting car, you will save a few thousand euros.

Leasing allows you to rent a car with the option of purchasing it at the end of the contract. It’s a clever way to acquire a car by paying €100 per month for small models, for example.

The end of the series

Did you know that with each change of series, manufacturers make discounts more easily? If a model is redesigned approximately every 2 or 3 years, it generally undergoes a total redesign every 5 to 6 years. So keep an eye out for end-of-series items to get good deals!

Auto brokers and agents

Another tip is to use a car broker or agent. Brokers manage to make big savings by purchasing a large volume of new cars. As for agents, they generally buy vehicles abroad and therefore benefit from more attractive taxation.

Manufacturers’ clearance sites

We don’t think enough about consulting manufacturers’ websites when looking to buy a car. However, this is a mistake, because you can also find good deals there . To do this, go to the  “clearance” section,  such as  Renault Shop  for example , or Peugeot Webstore.

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